everyday life of me

Posts Tagged ‘job

Like I’ve said in previous posts, my job right now is seasonal and the summer season is now over. The hours are cut back and people are getting laid off. I checked my schedule today and, unfortunately, I only work three days this week and after that, it is uncertain.

I better start looking for another job now. These next couple weeks are going to suck hardcore.

PS. Here’s what turned me on today courtesy of JerkYourTube.com. Now this is really gnarly. I kinda wish I could do that. That was hot in a weird way…
Picture courtesy of unews.utah.edu.


I’m currently going to school full time and also still at my job …which is what I wanted to do… but it seems like I have no time for anything and that includes blogging. I’ll try and blog as much as I can but my internet lately has been in and out and not only does that mean no blogging, that also means no porn! AAAHH!! How will I get any release!?!

Anyways, school is school and it was kind of uncomfortable at first coming back after a long stint of not going. I felt old even though I’m only a couple years older than most but I didn’t want that feeling to make me want to stop going. I have to — no, need — to stay. Its only the first week and nothing, academically, has happened yet so I’m not too stressed but I know much is coming. I have a holiday next week so I only go to class one day next week!

Here’s a conversation that went on at school the other day. A couple friends and I were talking about our jobs and what we were doing now since we haven’t seen each other in a while. This portion, in particular, is about when I tried to get a job at one of my friends’ work.

Them: “Yeah, I still work at [department store].”

Me: “Oh yeah, remember when I tried to get a job there. I wonder why I didn’t get it.”

Them: “Its because you’re not gay.”

HAHA. If only they knew…

But that’s kinda weird that I didn’t get the job because I wasn’t gay. But I am gay… whatever. I’m over it. I have a job I like already and its better that I didn’t get it since I wouldn’t be where I am now. Everything does happen for a reason.

Sorry no porn today because my internet is shitty.
My next post will probably be the 37 Things About Me that I was tagged by fixator.


There are a couple things occupying my mind at the time. Most of them having to do with my financial standing in the next coming months but there are a few other issues as well.

The main thing being my status at my current place of employment. I love my job right now but I’m currently one of the dreaded “seasonal” employees. Its dreaded because its nearing the end of our season and I’m unsure of if I’m going to be one of the lucky few that get to stay. I’m crossing my fingers that I am since I’ve never called in sick, I’ve only been late a few times, and when I am at work I feel like I do a great job at whatever it is I’m doing. I think I might have to step it up a notch for these final weeks though just in case.

With that issue, comes many others. Without that job, I have to start applying any and everywhere so that there is no huge gap in my employment especially since I have bills (some that are new) I need to attend to ie. car insurance, payment of the a portion of the car to my dad, my phone bill, gas for my car, school fees, and my textbooks. Man, that makes my head hurt thinking about all of it.

Also, just the added stress of going back to school. I haven’t been there in a while so the social aspect of being thrown into a classroom again makes me somewhat anxious. The amount of time needed to attend classes and do all of the work for all my classes is like having a full time job in itself and one where you don’t get paid (well, maybe in the long run but I need some cash now!).

Another thing I’ve been thinking about is my social life (or lack thereof besides the four parties I’ve been to). Whenever I do have time off from work, I am tired and just want to relax in my house. My friends call and ask me to do things and when I don’t have to work, its spent being too tired to hang out with them. I don’t want to push them away to the point where they don’t call anymore so I need to find a balance of the three when school finally starts. I need to balance my work life, my school life, and my social life so that they are all equally fulfilled and satisfied. For some reason, I think its going to be tough but I’m going to think positive and say, ‘I can do it.’

PS. Here’s what turned me on today courtesy of ItsAllGay.com.
Photo courtesy of ngbh.wordpress.com.


Here’s a bit more insight into my past.

Like I said in my first post, my life before this point consisted of lots of partying. I didn’t grow up in a rich family so I wasn’t the trust fund kid that didn’t know the value of a buck and just frivolously spent my parent’s money. Nor was a hard working individual that earned my own money therefore deserving to spend it as I pleased. I was pretty much a bum. I had not a dollar to my name and didn’t have a job.

You might wonder how I was able to get around, eat, and, basically, survive. Well, the fact is I didn’t really eat everyday. I just found whatever I could to eat and it would usually be someone’s tossed leftovers and that was my basic nourishment. Well… that and drugs and alcohol. Throughout my years of drug and alcohol binging, I did manage to find a few jobs but they never truly lasted too long. I believe the longest one lasted a good long five days and the money I received from them probably amounted to less than a hundred dollars total for each job. All the money I did get was spent on getting me and my friends as messed up as possible and it worked both ways. They did the same for me paying for my alcohol consumption and fueling my drug addiction. My drug-induced stories are endless.

Now in hindsight, I wish for a time machine to erase the past and start over again but, then again, most of my fondest memories stem from that exact time period. Although times were crazy and chaotic, those were some of the best times in my life (along with some of the worst and most embarrassing) and, also, I came across some of the best people (but definitely met a bad seed or three). It was a life of extreme highs (no pun intended) and lows. My only regret was my irresponsibility but I can see that responsibility and drugs/alcohol cannot coincide after too long and I’m glad I got this out of my system now instead of later on in life. It was a good lesson to learn and I will never return to such behavior again. Now is the time to grow up. My Peter Pan Syndrome has finally passed and I’m ready to be an adult.

My metamorphosis and change in lifestyle really hit me at the grand old age of 21. It was a gradual thing only starting as a New Years Resolution to “stop partying as much (for my health)” and slowly moved to a realization that I am getting to an age where I should be responsible for myself and my actions and need to be supporting myself legitimately and behave like a productive member of society. Now without an education and a lack of work history due to the years of indulgence, it was soon dawning on me that something needed to change. Months of job searching passed (with no avail) before I finally found a job and, luckily, one that I love to go to.

I, currently, still work there and its my longest job to date (which wouldn’t be that hard to top at a whopping five days, heh).

History – to be continued…


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