everyday life of me

Posts Tagged ‘porn

I just got a car maybe a couple weeks ago and now something is wrong with it!?! The check engine light went on and I have to take it in. It went on a couple of days ago but since it is Labor Day weekend nothing is open until today. Unfortunately, I have work right now until the mechanics are closed and won’t be able to take it in until after class tomorrow. I don’t want to drive it anymore if something is broken but I have to. Crap crap crap.

I’m hoping that it is something minor and inexpensive to fix. Isn’t there laws about selling lemons?

PS. Here’s what turned me on today courtesy of JerkYourTube.com. The shower scene at the end is the best part!
Photo courtesy of ninecooks.typepad.com.


Like I’ve said in previous posts, my job right now is seasonal and the summer season is now over. The hours are cut back and people are getting laid off. I checked my schedule today and, unfortunately, I only work three days this week and after that, it is uncertain.

I better start looking for another job now. These next couple weeks are going to suck hardcore.

PS. Here’s what turned me on today courtesy of JerkYourTube.com. Now this is really gnarly. I kinda wish I could do that. That was hot in a weird way…
Picture courtesy of unews.utah.edu.


So its my birthday week and I wasn’t really planning on doing anything. I only had one day off this week and that just so happened to be my birthday which was very convenient. I didn’t even have to ask for it off. I wanted to have a party to celebrate my birthday but I didn’t really have anywhere to have it so I was just thinking of keeping it low profile this year.

Three of my friends came and picked me up and said that we would just go somewhere, anywhere and just chill and hang out. I was fine with that suggestion and we were on our way. We decided to go and have dinner and then see where the night brought us. When we got to the restaurant, we were walking to a table when I see a large group of people I knew at the same restaurant. I was so blown away by the “coincidence” I didn’t even hear them yell ‘surprise’ and ‘happy birthday’ and the whole idea that they were all here for me went completely over my head. A couple seconds later, it finally registered and I was really amazed that they got this together. I’d never really had a surprise birthday before so it really meant a lot to me.

I just love my friends. They are the best. It sounds weird to say but I didn’t think anyone would really care enough to do that so I really appreciated it.

PS. Here’s what turned me on today courtesy of ItsAllGay.com.
Photo courtesy of free-mobile-wallpapers.com.


1. Do you like blue cheese? Yeah, I think so. I went to a party with wine and cheeses and tried all of them and liked them. I’m sure one of them was blue cheese.

2. Have you ever smoked? Yeah, it started with smoking weed everyday in high school and then went on to all the harder drugs. You name it, I’ve smoked it.

3. Do you own a gun? I’ve only shot a gun once in my life but I do have a gun. It’s an old school revolver.

4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? I really liked the Grape flavored one.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yeah, because everytime I’ve been to one its because something is wrong with me and it makes me nervous just knowing that there is something wrong with me.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? I don’t really like them. I’ll eat them if I have to but usually I’ll just pass on them. I prefer cheeseburgers.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? Maybe A Christmas Story?? It’s the only one I can think of at the moment.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Depends. If I am having a bad hangover, I prefer another alcoholic drink to settle my head. If its a tolerable hangover, then water. If its a sober morning, some water or juice.

9. Can you do push ups? Yes, but probably not a lot. Although, I did more push ups than anyone else in my PE class in high school.

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I don’t really wear jewelry.

11. Favorite hobby? I used to draw but I don’t anymore.

12. Do you have A.D.D.? I don’t know for sure but I might have a mild case of it. That and OCD. HAHA

13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? I wear glasses sometimes.

14. Middle name? Yeah right. I’m too paranoid as it is that someone I know might find my blog. I don’t want to give them definitive evidence its me.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? What am I going to do tomorrow on my day off, how I’m going to get through the school semester, and why I ate right before bed time

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic beverages.

17. Current worry? If I’ll finish school / get my degree.

18. Current hate right now? My financial situation. Its stressing me out.

19. Favorite place to be? I love the beach. I work near it, like really close to it.

20. How did you bring in the New Year? Amazing party at a friend’s house.

21. Where would you like to go? All the English speaking nations and any other place where I know the native language to.

22. Name three people who will complete this? Well, I don’t know too many bloggers so I would of picked fixator but he did it already and deservingofeverything.

23. Do you own slippers? I don’t think I’ve ever owned slippers.

24. What shirt are you wearing? A tee shirt.

26.Can you whistle? Sometimes.

27. Favorite color? I like blue a lot.

28. Would you be a pirate? I am one. A couple people call me Pirate instead of my name.

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever stupid, catchy song is in my head right before I hop in.

30. Favorite Girl’s Name? Sierra

31. Favorite boy’s name? Tyler

32. What’s in your pocket right now? My blackburry.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? People at my work both customers and coworkers.

35. Worst injury you’ve ever had? My glands around my jaw swelled up and I was unable to eat or talk without large amounts of pain. The doctor still never told me what it was. He just gave me medicine for it…

36. Do you love where you live? I love the city I live in. I’d never live anywhere else.

37. How many TVs do you have in your house? Two

*additional two questions to make it 37:

i: Do you moisturize regularly? Not really. I probably should though.

ii: Do you fancy someone at this moment? Yes. I wonder if anyone fancies me.

Here’s what turned me on courtesy of ADrabBoizBreakfast.com.

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